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Saharan Circuit : Djerba / Tozeur / Ghilene / Tatatouin / Djerba

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  • Saharan Circuit : Djerba / Tozeur / Ghilene / Tatatouin / Djerba


1st Day: 450 Km • Departure from the hotel in Djerba to Tozeur • Lunch in Tozeur, afternoon visit to the mountain oasis Chebika; trace paris dakar; ong el jemel, decor from famous star wars movie (mos spa) • Dinner and accommodation at hotel ras al Ain Tozeur 4 * 2nd Day: 270 Km • After breakfast, visit the palmerais of Tozeur and the market, the day before town. • Departure to ksar ghilane; break in the famous dirty lake chott el djerid • Lunch at the El Mouradi Douz hotel • Visit of Douz • Continuation to ksar ghilane • Dinner and accommodation at zmila camp 3rd Day: 380 Km • After breakfast, departure to visit Chenini; Berber village; roost in the mountain • Lunch at Mabrouk Chenini restaurant • Continuation to Ksar heddada, attic house and star wars movie set (mos eisley). • Return to Djerba (Minimum of 4 Pax) Excursion provided by a guide approved by the O.N.T.T


Type de tarif Tarif privée (4*4) Tarif partagée (Groupe)
Montant 1145 229

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